Trees for Life

Trees for Life

2024 Trees for Life – Summer Update

Last week we returned to see how the hedgerow we planted has been getting on.

The hedge is being managed by the charity Jersey Trees for Life and the team recently undertook some maintenance on the bank.

Most whips are doing ok, but as with all hedge projects some have not survived and will need replacing in the autumn where bindweed and other perennials have become dominant and suppressed new growth.

As you will see from one of the photos, the adjoining field has had a cover crop over the summer following on from a crop of potatoes. Cover crops are invariably a mix of flowering plants that provide a food source for pollinators. They help with ground management and will in time be flailed and the ‘green manure’ incorporated, helping fertility and soil structure.

(Scroll down for original post and photos).

2024 Trees for Life – Spring Update

For our second post, we thought that you’d like to know that all of the trees look to be waking up for spring.
The Hawthorns seem to be sprouting best with some of the oaks that Julian De la Cour planted sprouting well too.
(Scroll down for original post and photos).

2023 Trees for Life

Maillards has joined forces with Jersey Trees for Life so that we can plant a tree as a mark of respect for every funeral we arrange each year going forward.
In November 2023 Jersey Trees for Life began planting our first-ever tree corridor to recognise each funeral that we had arranged in the previous year.
On the afternoon of 30th November, Julian De la Cour our Managing Director and Mark Reynolds our Group CEO went up to the field in St Peter to plant a few oak saplings with the JTFL team. Over 300 trees were planted extending the habitat and wildlife corridor of St Peter’s Valley.
Tree species planted include Oak, Ash, Sweet Chesnut, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Privet, Maple, Hazel and Elder. All native species and the best for biodiversity.
Each year we will repeat this planting campaign and follow the progress of all areas.